Did you know you can bring your dog(s) when you book the Loungy Turtle pool?
It’s just $10 per hour extra if you bring along a dog who would like to swim. If you have a dog or two joining you who just want to sunbathe there is no extra charge.
And (lots of) dogs love pools.
In addition to some relief from the summer sun, it’s a great exercise for them and it strengthens their heart and lungs, decreases inflammation, increases metabolism, and improves circulation, which helps keep their skin and coat healthy.
Since swimming is low impact and non-weight bearing, it allows dogs to have fun and work out their energy without putting stress on their joints and tendons.
Plus, just like us, dogs can get stressed, and it helps their mental well-being to vary their activities, as well as having fun and playing.
Dogs will typically take a rest before over-exerting themselves, but sometimes they could get carried away with the fun and exhaust themselves. So keep an eye on them and be sure they take a break here and there.
Book a time for your dog(s) to have some fun with you in the pool.